
Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 406 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Peripheral Module
Setting Value for One
Channel ({MID, RID}) MID RID Function
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 2
H'89 B'100010 B'01 Transmit
H'8A B'10 Receive
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 3
H'8D B'100011 B'01 Transmit
H'8E B'10 Receive
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 4
H'91 B'100100 B'01 Transmit
H'92 B'10 Receive
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 5
H'95 B'100101 B'01 Transmit
H'96 B'10 Receive
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 6
H'99 B'100110 B'01 Transmit
H'9A B'10 Receive
Serial communication
interface with FIFO
Channel 7
H'9D B'100111 B'01 Transmit
H'9E B'10 Receive
A/D converter H'B3 B'101100 B'11
NAND flash memory
H'BB B'101110 B'11 Transmit/
receive data
H'BF B'101111 B'11 Transmit/
control code
Decompression unit H'D1 B'110100 B'01 Input data
FIFO empty
H'D2 B'10 Output data
FIFO full
Multi-function timer
pulse unit 2
Channel 0
H'E3 B'111000 B'11
Multi-function timer
pulse unit 2
Channel 1
H'E7 B'111001 B'11
Multi-function timer
pulse unit 2
Channel 2
H'EB B'111010 B'11