Section 27 Video Display Controller 3
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1557 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(2) Video and Graphics Image Processing Flow
The captured video is reduced in size, the contrast and brightness are adjusted, and then the
resultant data is stored in the RGB565 format in the memory. The video data stored in the memory
and graphics images (two planes) are overlaid and the result is displayed in the panel.
Captured video size
is reduced.
Contrast adjustment,
brightness adjustment, and
conversion from YC to RGB
Data is buffered in memory to absorb
the difference in display rate between
input video and display video.
α control area
Video and layer 1 can be α-blended
by specifying an α control area
in the graphics image area.
Fade-in and fade-out functions
are available.
The transparency of the chroma-key
target color of layer 2 can be set to
100% through chroma-keying
(a desired transparency can be
Graphics block 1: Layer 1
Graphics block 2: Layer 2
Chroma-key target color
2008/1/1 2008/1/1
Figure 27.6 Overview of Video and Graphics Image Processing