Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 392 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
11 to 8 RS[3:0] 0000 R/W Resource Select
These bits specify which transfer requests will be sent
to this module. The changing of transfer request
source should be done in the state when DMA enable
bit (DE) is set to 0.
0000: External request, dual address mode
0001: Setting prohibited
0010: External request/single address mode
External address space External device with
0011: External request/single address mode
External device with DACK External address
0100: Auto request
0101: Setting prohibited
0110: Setting prohibited
0111: Setting prohibited
1000: DMA extension resource selector
1001: Controller area network, channel 0
1010: Controller area network, channel 1
1011: Setting prohibited
1100: Setting prohibited
1101: Setting prohibited
1110: Setting prohibited
1111: Setting prohibited
Note: External request specification is valid only in
CHCR_0 and CHCR_1. External request should
not be specified for channels CHCR_2 to