Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1489 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
In this case, this module sets the corresponding PIPENRDY bit to 1 and modifies the
setting of the PID bits of the corresponding pipe to NAK. When the condition is generated
during the C-SPLIT transaction, this module clears the CSSTS bit to 0.
During the C-SPLIT transaction for the pipe for isochronous transfers or interrupt transfers,
when any combination of the following two cases occur three consecutive times: 1) no
response is returned from the HUB for the IN token issued by this module (when timeout is
detected before detection of the DATA packet from the HUB) and 2) an error is detected in
the packet from the HUB.
On generating this condition for the pipe for interrupt transfers, this module sets the
corresponding PIPENRDY bit to 1, modifies the setting of the PID bits of the
corresponding pipe to NAK and clears the CSSTS bit to 0.
On generating this condition for the pipe for isochronous transfers, this module sets the
corresponding PIPENRDY bit to 1 and CRCE bit to 1, and clears the CSSTS bit to 0 (does
not modify the setting of the PID bits).
During the C-SPLIT transaction, when the STALL handshake is received for the pipe for
the transfers other than isochronous transfers.
In this case, this module sets the corresponding PIPENRDY bit to 1, modifies the setting of
the PID bits of the corresponding pipe to STALL (11) and clears the CSSTS bit to 0.
During the C-SPLIT transaction, when the NYET handshake is received for the pipe for the
isochronous transfers or interrupt transfers and the microframe number = 4.
In this case, this module sets the corresponding PIPENRDY bit to 1 and CRCE bit to 1, and
clears the CSSTS bit to 0 (does not modify the setting of the PID bits).
(c) When the function controller function is selected
(i) For the pipe in the transmitting direction:
On receiving an IN token when there is no data to be transmitted in the FIFO buffer.
In this case, this module generates a NRDY interrupt request at the reception of the IN
token, setting the PIPENRDY bit to 1. For the pipe for the isochronous transfers in which
an interrupt is generated, this module transmits a zero-length packet, setting the OVRN bit
to 1.
(ii) For the pipe in the receiving direction:
On receiving an OUT token when there is no space available in the FIFO buffer.
For the pipe for the isochronous transfers in which an interrupt is generated, this module
generates a NRDY interrupt request, setting the PIPENRDY bit to 1 and OVRN bit to 1.
For the pipe for the transfers other than isochronous transfers in which an interrupt is
generated, this module generates a NRDY interrupt request when a NAK handshake is