Section 15 Serial Communication Interface with FIFO
Page 718 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
5 PE 0 R/W Parity Enable
Selects whether to add a parity bit to transmit data and
to check the parity of receive data, in asynchronous
mode. In clock synchronous mode, a parity bit is neither
added nor checked, regardless of the PE setting.
0: Parity bit not added or checked
1: Parity bit added and checked*
Note: * When PE is set to 1, an even or odd parity
bit is added to transmit data, depending on
the parity mode (O/E) setting. Receive data
parity is checked according to the even/odd
(O/E) mode setting.
4 O/E 0 R/W Parity Mode
Selects even or odd parity when parity bits are added
and checked. The O/E setting is used only in
asynchronous mode and only when the parity enable bit
(PE) is set to 1 to enable parity addition and checking.
The O/E setting is ignored in clock synchronous mode,
or in asynchronous mode when parity addition and
checking is disabled.
0: Even parity*
1: Odd parity*
Notes: 1. If even parity is selected, the parity bit is
added to transmit data to make an even
number of 1s in the transmitted character
and parity bit combined. Receive data is
checked to see if it has an even number of
1s in the received character and parity bit
2. If odd parity is selected, the parity bit is
added to transmit data to make an odd
number of 1s in the transmitted character
and parity bit combined. Receive data is
checked to see if it has an odd number of 1s
in the received character and parity bit