Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 410 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
10.4.2 DMA Transfer Requests
DMA transfer requests are basically generated in either the data transfer source or destination, but
they can also be generated in external devices and on-chip peripheral modules that are neither the
transfer source nor destination.
Transfers can be requested in three modes: auto request, external request, and on-chip peripheral
module request. The request mode is selected by the RS[3:0] bits in CHCR_0 to CHCR_15 and
(1) Auto-Request Mode
When there is no transfer request signal from an external source, as in a memory-to-memory
transfer or a transfer between memory and an on-chip peripheral module unable to request a
transfer, the auto-request mode allows this module to automatically generate a transfer request
signal internally. When the DE bits in CHCR_0 to CHCR_15 and the DME bit in DMAOR are set
to 1, the transfer begins so long as the TE bits in CHCR_0 to CHCR_15, and the AE and NMIF
bits in DMAOR are 0.
(2) External Request Mode
In this mode a transfer is performed at the request signals (DREQ0 and DREQ1)*
of an external
device. Choose one of the modes shown in table 10.4 according to the application system. When
the DMA transfer is enabled (DE = 1, DME = 1, TEMASK = 0 or 1 (TE = 0 when TEMASK = 0),
AE = 0, NMIF = 0 for level detection; DE = 1, DME = 1, TE = 0, AE = 0, NMIF = 0 for edge
detection), DMA transfer is performed upon a request at the DREQ input.
Table 10.4 Selecting External Request Modes with the RS Bits
RS[3] RS[2] RS[1] RS[0] Address Mode Transfer Source
0 0 0 0 Dual address mode Any Any
0 0 1 0 Single address mode External memory,
external device
External device with
1 External device with
External memory,
external device