Section 25 NAND Flash Memory Controller
Page 1294 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
0 R/W 4-Symbol ECC Circuit Correction Execution
Specifies to execute error correction for a single sector
when the 4-symbol ECC circuit is used. This module
suspends sector reading on detection of an ECC error
and starts error pattern generation by the 4-symbol
ECC circuit.
0: Error pattern is not output but only ECC is output.
1: Reading of sectors is suspended on detection of an
ECC error.
21 BUSYON 0 R/W Busy Select
Specifies whether to release the external bus
mastership while the FRB pin is busy. The FCE pin,
however, is negated regardless of the busy/ready state
upon completion of a necessary process. For details,
see section 25.7.1, External Bus Mastership Release
0: Holds the bus mastership while the FRB pin is busy.
1: Releases the bus mastership while the FRB pin is
Note: Some flash memory devices do not allow the FCE
pin to be negated during the busy state.
20 1 R Reserved
This bit is always read as 1. The write value should
always be 1.
19 0 R Reserved
This bit is always read as 0. The write value should
always be 0.
18 SNAND 0 R/W Large-Capacity NAND Flash Memory Select
This bit is used to specify 1-Gbit or larger NAND flash
memory with the page configuration of 2048 + 64 bytes.
0: When flash memory with the page configuration of
512 + 16 bytes is used.
1: When NAND flash memory with the page
configuration of 2048 + 64 is used.