Chapter 2: API Definitions
String message – Specific error message.
Returns a log report formed using the request parameters.
Reports created via the WS API will show up as scheduled reports with
the name WS Report Task in the CC-SG Admin Client in the
Administration > Tasks section. CC-SG Admin Client users can see and
delete these reports.
The WS system should handle deleting the tasks created using the WS
API. The client should call deleteReport() for every call to runReport().
See deleteReport (on page 25). If deleteReport() is not called, the
session manager will remove remaining report tasks when the session is
closed by any of the following methods.
1. The client calls signOff() to close the session.
2. The session times out and the system closes it.
3. An administrator closes the session from the Active Users report
using the CC-SG Admin Client.
String sessionID
xsd:dateTime startDateTime – Return records after this date and
time. If null, the value will be the start of the current day.
xsd:dateTime endDateTime – Return records up until this date
and time. If null or beyond the CC-SG's current time, the value
will be the current time.
String userName – Restrict results to those of this user name.
Wildcards allowed. (Optional: may be null or empty.)
String userIPAddress – Restrict results to those of this IP
address. Wildcards allowed. (Optional: may be null or empty.)
String messageType – Search for messages in the specified
category. If null or empty, include all message types. The
following are supported: