Chapter 2: API Definitions
return value
boolean true
Remove a user from a group to control their access of the CC-SG.
Note: If this operation deletes all of a user's groups, then the user itself
shall be deleted.
String sessionID
String userName - The name of the user to modify.
String[]groupName - An array of group names in which the user
shall no longer be a member.
return value
boolean true
Logging Management
This set of services is for retrieving log records from the CC-SG
Data Types
The components of a CC-SG log record. This data encompasses
multiple types of logs such that not all elements will be populated for a
particular record instance.
Integer recordNumber – The ordinal number of the record relative
to the requested report. Numbering begins at one.
xsd:dateTime entryDateTime – The date and time of the record.
String userName – The user to which the entry corresponds.
String userIPAddress – The IP address of the corresponding
String messageType – The message type of the report entry. The
following are supported: