•Remote Mounting and External Power required. No DataPort Connection possible, Power Limiting not available.
ISA series: The ISA amplifiers have a “V2” DataPort that may be used for audio inputs only.
MX series: All
PLX series: All
RMX series All
USA series: All
ALL non-QSC amplifiers are can be used with the DSP-3.
Section 5: Appendix- Application Information
As design improvements are continuous, the following information is subject to change. Contact QSC for current information.
QSC’s DSP-3 Module has been designed to attach directly to the DataPort connector of QSC’s CX, DCA, Powerlight, and Powerlight
2 series amplifiers. When attached to CX, DCA, and Powerlight 2 amps manufactured 08/99 and later, the module receives its
power through the DataPort from the amplifier. Modules connected to earlier models of those just mentioned and all Powerlight
amplifiers (the “non-2’s”) require an external DC supply (available from QSC).
TO CLARIFY- CX, DCA, and PL2 amps made prior to August 1999 DO NOT provide adequate power supply voltage to
the module, requiring the use of the same type of external DC supply as used with Powerlight amplifiers. The amps in
question will have a serial number PRIOR to 0899XXXXX, where the first four digits of the serial number are the MMYY datecode.
Again, the modules WILL work with these amps just fine, but will require the use of our external power supply.
•Remote Mounting, QSC DataPort Cable and External Power required: Full feature-set.
Powerlight series: PL1.0 through PL4.0 (all)
PL6.0 and PL9.0 require modified DataPort cable between DSP-3 and amplifier.
•Full feature set, Direct-mounting, No external power or special interconnect cables required for the following QSC
power amplifiers with serial numbers of 0899XXXXX and later, where the first four digits of the serial number are the MMYY datecode :
CX series: CX302 - CX1202V (all)
DCA series: DCA1222, DCA1622, DCA2422, DCA3022, DCA342
PL2 series: PL224, PL230, PL236, PL218
PL2A series: All
•Remote Mounting Required, QSC DataPort Cable required: Full feature-set, no external power required.
CX series: CX204V, CX254, CX404
DCA series: DCA1644, DCA1824
Powerlight 6.0 and 9.0 MUST have
pin #9 removed from the Amplifier-to-
DSP DataPort Cable before use!