
Section 2: Installation- Connections
The audio inputs and outputs of the DSP-3 use 3-pin “Phoenix”-type (Euro-style) terminal block connectors. These connectors allow pre-
wiring of inputs without any soldering and allow for rerouting of audio inputs by simply interchanging connector locations without the need
for any tools. See Appendix for connector manufacturer’s part number reference.
To connect your signal wire to the terminal-block plug- back the screws out
a few turns to open the wire-clamp, carefully insert the conductors into the proper
location, and retighten the clamping screw.
The recommended stripping length for the wires is approximately 6 to 8
mm ( 1/4 to 5/16 inch). When stripping the audio cable, be careful not to nick or
cut the conductor strands. After each conductor has been stripped and dressed,
insert it fully into the connector and tighten the retaining screw. When stranded
wire is used, carefully twist the conductor strands together so that when they are
inserted into the connector assembly, no loose strands short adjacent terminals.
Unbalanced inputs can be used if required. If unbal-
anced audio sources are used, it is preferable to use an
appropriate audio transformer (or other unbalanced-to-bal-
anced “converter”) to provide a balanced input to the DSP-3.
If this is not possible, then it is recommended that the negative
terminal and shield terminal be connected to one another with
a jumper wire.
Balanced connection is recommended for all inputs.
The terminal block inputs on the DSP-3 are electronically
balanced. Balanced input cables are recommended to mini-
mize noise pick up and prevent ground loops.
With the connector oriented as shown at the right, connect the
positive (+) signal wire to the left-most
Inputs- The audio input can be from one of two sources; the front-panel DataPort OR the terminal-block
INPUT connectors. Do not use both sets of inputs at the same time! Use balanced connections
for the lowest possible noise levels and for minimizing the possibility of hum inducing ground loops.
Outputs- The DSP-3’s post-DSP (processed) audio is output to the rear-panel DataPort AND the terminal-
block OUTPUT connectors. The OUTPUT’s can be used for daisy-chaining the processed audio to
additional amplifiers, even when connected to a DataPort-equipped amplifier via the rear-panel DataPort.