4–NIC Noninteractive Commands
Command Format
4-2 SN0054667-00 C
-minidump (Firmware Mini Dump)
-n (Change Port Alias Name)
-nh (Change CNA Alias Name)
-pinfo (Port Information)
-ping (Ping Target)
-sreset (Reset Ethernet Statistics Counters)
-statport (Display Ethernet Port Statistics)
-sunreset (Undo Reset Ethernet Statistics Counters)
-teamdel (Delete Team)
-teaminfo (Display Team Information)
-teamlist (Display Teams List)
-teamnew (Configure New Team)
-trans (Display Transceiver DMI Data)
-updimages (Update Flash (Boot & Firmware Images))
-v, -ver (Display Program Version Information)
-vlanadd (Add VLAN to Port or Team)
-vlandel (Remove VLAN from Port or Team)
-vlaninfo (Display VLAN Information)
-vlanlist (Display VLAN List)
-vpd (Display VPD Information)
-vtrestore (Restore VLAN & Teaming Configuration)
-vtsave (Save VLAN & Teaming Configuration)
-zvt (Display Teams List; Display VLANs List; Display VLAN Information)
When you issue a command, QConvergeConsole CLI loads the adapter,
executes the command, and then returns you to the command prompt.
When optional parameter
is not present, the command
action applies to all adapters detected by QConvergeConsole CLI.
Not all switches are functional in this release.
Ensure that you issue only one command at a time.