10–Converged Network Adapter Interactive Commands
Drivers Update
10-106 SN0054667-00 C
Drivers Update
3. Adapter Updates1. Converged Network Adapter3. Drivers Update
From the CNA Adapter Update menu, select the Drivers Update option to update
drivers. From the port menu, select a port for which to update drivers, and then
type a file name. For example:
Drivers Update
CNA Model QLE8242 SN: AFE1028C03899
1. Port 2 [Protocol(s): NIC iSCSI FCoE]
MAC Address: 00:0E:1E:04:95:EC
WWPN: 21-00-00-0E-1E-04-95-EF
Port iSCSI Name: iqn.2000-04.com.qlogic:isp8214.0 SFP not installed
2. Port 1 [Protocol(s): NIC iSCSI FCoE]
MAC Address: 00:0E:1E:04:95:E8
WWPN: 21-00-00-0E-1E-04-95-EB
Port iSCSI Name: iqn.2000-04.com.qlogic:isp8214.0 Online
(p or 0: Previous Menu; m or 98: Main Menu; ex or 99: Quit)
Please Enter Selection: 2
Enter a file name or Hit <RETURN> to abort:driver_file