4–NIC Noninteractive Commands
4-18 SN0054667-00 C
For example:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamnew 1 ALL
User selected CNA Port Indices: ALL
Attempting to create new team:
Team Description:
Team Type: Fail Over
Selected ports : 1, 2
CNA: 1 CNA Port: 1 MAC: 00:c0:dd:0a:b1:a8 Description: QLogic 10Gb PCI
Ethernet Adapter - Network Load Balancing Filter Device
QLogic 10Gb PCI Ethernet Adapter - Network Load Balancing Filter Device
CNA: 1 CNA Port: 2 MAC: 00:c0:dd:0a:b1:a9 Description: QLogic 10Gb PCI
Ethernet Adapter #2 - Network Load Balancing Filter Device
QLogic 10Gb PCI Ethernet Adapter #2 - Network Load Balancing Filter Device
About to create the team. Please wait ...
Successfully created team with interface description: QLogic VT-IM Miniport
Driver #2
To preview ports before you configure a new team, issue the
-teamnew_portspreview command as follows:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamnew <team_type> <port_insts|ALL>
For example:
> qaucli -pr nic -teamnew 1 ALL
1. CNA: 1 CNA Port: 1 CNA Model: QLE8142 PortID: 0
Mac Phys. Address: 00:c0:dd:12:0f:f4 Loc. Mac: 00:c0:dd:12:0f:f4
CNA Serial Number: AFC0916A07152 MPI FW Version: 1.35.02 Adapter Alias: None
Port Alias: None
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Addresses: fe80::2c0:ddff:fe12:ff4
2. CNA: 1 CNA Port: 2 CNA Model: QLE8142 PortID: 1
Mac Phys. Address: 00:c0:dd:12:0f:f6 Loc. Mac: 00:c0:dd:12:0f:f6
CNA Serial Number: AFC0916A07152 MPI FW Version: 1.35.02 Adapter Alias: None
Port Alias: None
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Addresses: fe80::2c0:ddff:fe12:ff6