8–NIC Interactive Commands
Adapter Updates
SN0054667-00 C 8-9
Change MAC Alias Name (-n)
2. Adapter Configuration1. CNA Configuration2. NIC Port Setting Configuration<port selection>
4. Change MAC Alias Name
From the Port Settings Menu, select the Change MAC Alias Name option to
change the aliases for the physical MAC address alias and the active/LAA MAC
address. For example:
Physical MAC Address : 00:0e:1e:04:d3:34
Enter Port_Physical_MAC_Alias [None]: physicalmac_alias
Successfully saved MAC Alias
Active/LAA MAC Address : 00:0e:1e:04:d3:34
Enter Port_LAA_MAC_Alias [None]: activemac_alias
Successfully saved MAC Alias
Save Port Configuration
2. Adapter Configuration1. CNA Configuration2. NIC Port Setting Configuration<port selection>
5. Save Port Configuration
From the Port Settings Menu, select the Save Port Configuration option to save
changes to the port parameters and aliases.
Only save parameters that were modified? (yes, no) [yes]:yes
About to save configured values ... Please wait ...
Adapter Updates
3. Adapter Updates1. Converged Network Adapter
From the main menu, select the Adapter Information option and then select the
adapter type (Converged Network Adapter). The CNA Adapter Update menu
presents an option to update Flash memory. For example:
Adapter Type Selection
1: Converged Network Adapter
2: Fibre Channel Adapter
(p or 0: Previous Menu; m or 98: Main Menu; ex or 99: Quit)
Please Enter Selection: 1
CNA Adapter Update
1: Flash Update