20. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks, master switches or by removing starter keys.
21. Give your work undivided attention. Looking around, carrying on a conversation and “horse-play” are
careless acts that can result in serious injury.
22. Never pass the hands directly over or in front of
the cutters. As one hand approaches the 12-inch
radius point, remove it (or the push stick) in an arc
motion and reposition hand 12 inches beyond the
cutters. See Figure A.
23. Maintain a balanced stance at all times so that you
do not fall or lean against the cutter or other
moving parts. Do not overreach or use excessive
force to perform any machine operation.
24. Use the right tool at the correct speed and feed
rate. Do not force a tool or attachment to do a job
for which it was not designed. The right tool will do
the job better and safer.
25. Use recommended accessories; improper accessories may be hazardous.
26. Maintain tools with care. Keep cutters sharp and clean for the best and safest performance. Follow
instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
27. Feed stock opposite to the direction of the
cutterhead rotation. Never back stock out of the
cutter once the cut has been started. Instead, pull
the stock straight out away from the cutter and
begin the cut again. See Figure B.
28. When shaping, follow the 12-inch rule: Never allow
your hands to come closer than 12 inches to the
29. Never shape stock less than 12 inches in length
without special fixtures. Where practical, shape
longer stock and cut to size.
30. When shaping with collars, the collar must have
sufficient bearing surface (see page 18). The work
must also be fairly heavy in proportion to the cut
being made. Do not use short, lightweight stock when shaping against collars.
31. The opening between the fence plates should be
only just enough to clear the cutter.
32. Never operate the shaper without the keyed lock
washer located immediately under the spindle nut.
See Figure C. This prevents the nut from coming
loose when the spindle is run in a
counterclockwise direction. Do not substitute any
other type washer in place of the keyed lock
33. Always use the miter gauge and clamp attachment
when edge shaping stock less than 6” wide. The
fence should be removed during this operation.
34. Make sure the spindle and the draw bar are
tightened on the arbor.