Trouble Probable Cause Remedy [with page #]
Raised areas on
shaped edge.
Variation in pressure which holds
work against cutter.
Keep work firmly against fence or
collars throughout pass.
Use hold-downs or stock feeder. [19]
Excessive feed rate. Decrease feed rate.
Work pulled from
No support of workpiece.
Use miter gauge with clamp or hold-
down to start cut when shaping
freehand; hold work firmly against
Adjust tension of spring guard.
Depth of cut not
Outfeed fence is misaligned. Adjust outfeed fence.
Side pressure not uniform.
Use hold-downs or stock feeder; keep
pressure against fence or collars
Variation in height of
cut. Variation in pressure which holds
work down on table.
Keep pressure firm throughout pass;
use hold-downs; make pass slowly
and steadily. Whenever possible,
keep cutter under stock. [19]
Spindle lock not engaged. Engage spindle lock. [15]
Cuts not smooth. Wrong cutter speed. Use faster RPMs.
Feeding too fast. Pass stock more slowly.
Working against grain. Work with grain whenever possible.
Cutting too deep.
For very deep cuts make several
Resistance in spindle
while being raised.
Sawdust and/or dirt in raising
Brush or blow out loose dust and dirt.
Replacement Parts
Replacement parts are listed on the following pages. To order parts or reach our service department, call
1-800-274-6848 Monday through Friday (see our website for business hours, www.powermatic.com).
Having the Model Number and Serial Number of your machine available when you call will allow us to
serve you quickly and accurately.