Chapter 8 - Management Tools
2. You may save the Faults report to a text file. To do so, click the Save to
file button.
The Save As dialog box opens.
3. Select a destination folder and enter the file name, and then click Save.
You are returned to the Faults window.
4. To exit the Faults window without saving the data to file, click the
Cancel button.
Category (cont.)
• General - indicates general faults.
• Assert - indicates internal software errors that
are reported by the software program.
• Startup - indicates errors that occurred during
system startup.
Level Indicates the severity of the problem. The following
fault indicators are available:
• Major Error
• Minor Error
• MCU Startup indicator
• System Message
The icon of the fault Level appears in the Time
Code Indicates the code of the problem, according to the
fault category. A list of codes per category can be
found in Appendix A of the MGC Administrator’s
Description When applicable, displays a more detailed
explanation of the cause of the problem.
Table 8-3: Faults Fields
Field Description