Chapter 1 - Before You Begin
Network Equipment, Numbers and Addresses
Obtain the following information from your network administrator:
• IP address for the MGC+50/MGC+100
• Subnet Mask for the MGC+50/MGC+100
• Default Gateway IP address (optional)
• Gatekeeper IP address, if applicable
• DNS IP address, if applicable
• SIP server IP address, if applicable
For ISDN configurations, obtain the following equipment and information
from your network service provider:
• PRI line(s) or Leased Line(s)
• Directory number range(s)
• Switch Type
• Line Coding
• Line Framing
• Numbering Plan
• Numbering Type
If the MGC+50/100 has to be connected to the public ISDN network, an external
CSU or similar equipment is needed.