The training device should not be used for obtaining environmental measurements that require professional or
industrial precision.
Electromagnetic Interference and Training Equipment
Disturbance may occur near electrical devices. Also WLAN base stations may cause interference when train-
ing with the training device. To avoid erratic reading or misbehavior, move away from possible sources of dis-
Training equipment with electronic or electrical components such as LED displays, motors and electrical
brakes may cause interfering stray signals. To solve these problems, try the following:
1. Remove the heart rate sensor strap from your chest and use the training equipment as you would nor-
2. Move the training device around until you find an area in which it displays no stray reading or does not
flash the heart symbol. Interference is often worst directly in front of the display panel of the equipment,
while the left or right side of the display is relatively free of disturbance.
3. Put the heart rate sensor strap back on your chest and keep the training device in this interference-free
area as much as possible.
If the training device still does not work with the training equipment, it may be electrically too noisy for wire-
less heart rate measurement. For further information, www.polar.com/support.
Training may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that you
answer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions,
we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training program.
l Have you been physically inactive for the past 5 years?
l Do you have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol?
l Are you taking any blood pressure or heart medication?
l Do you have a history of breathing problems?
l Do you have symptoms of any disease?
l Are you recovering from a serious illness or medical treatment?