1. Go to Diary, and click Add > Training target.
2. In the Add training target view, choose Quick or Phased.
Quick Target
1. Choose Quick
2. Choose Sport, enter Target name (maximum 45 digits), Date and Time and any Notes (optional) you
want to add.
3. Fill in either duration or calories . You can only fill in one of the values.
Click the favorite icon if you want to add the target to your Favorites.
5. Click Save to add the target to your Diary.
Phased target
1. Choose Phased
2. Choose Sport, enter Target name (maximum 45 digits), Date and Time and any Notes (optional) you
want to add.
3. Choose whether you want to create a new phased target (CREATE NEW) or use the template (USE
4. Add phases to your target. Click DURATION to add a phase based on duration.Choose name and dur-
ation for each phase, manual or automatic next phase start, and the intensity.
Click the favorite icon if you want to add the target to your Favorites.
6. Click Save to add the target to your Diary.
If you have created a target and added it to your favorites you can use it as a scheduled target.
1. Choose FAVORITE TARGETS. Your training target favorites are shown.
2. Click USE to select a favorite as a template for your target.
3. Enter Date and Time.
4. You can edit the target if you wish, or leave it as it is.