Chapter 4: Programming
outgoing phone calls, and alarm acknowledgments. See Appendix A
for a complete list of events stored by the Event Logger. Once the
Event Log is full, the oldest record is overwritten by the newest.
Downloading the Event Logger:
To view CPP Monitor 2000’s Event Log, the unit’s Event Logger
must first be downloaded to your PC. You must be on-line with the
unit to download the Event Log. Once you are on-line, choose
“Functions” from the main menu, then select “View Events.” You
can also access the Event Logger from the Toolbar button labeled
The following event log form will appear:
To download the Event Logger, click “Download Events.”
Every time a unit’s Event Logger is downloaded, the Manager 2000
software adds the new information to that unit’s database in your
PC. It also checks for and filters out duplicate Event Log records.
The downloaded Event Logger can then be viewed off-line.
Viewing the Event Logger:
Once the Event Logger has been downloaded, it can be viewed on
the form called “Event Viewer.”