CPP Monitor 2000 User’s Manual
Line Seizure
Line seizure gives the 2000 unit the ability to “seize” the telephone
line when it needs to dial out. For example, if an emergency occurs
which puts the 2000 in alarm mode, the unit will be able to dial out
even if a telephone has been left off the hook. To the right of the
PHONE LINE jack is another labeled PHONE EXT. This jack can
be used to share a phone line with other devices (telephone, fax
machine, modem) and to give the 2000 priority in the event of an
emergency. To make use of this feature you must have all the
extension devices originate from the PHONE EXT. jack. Whenever
the unit must make an alarm phone call, the unit will disconnect any
current phone calls and seize the line for its own use. The unit will
continue to seize the line until the alarm has been acknowledged.
The CPP Monitor 2000 can accept analog and digital inputs over the
range 0-5VDC. It can also accept current from 4-20mA transducers.
The input load for current transducers is 220 Ohms.
To set the input configuration, adjust the jumpers located just below
the terminal block. Needlenose pliers are recommended for moving
shunts. There is one for each input so that each input can be
individually configured. For thermistors, N.O./N.C.(normally open/
normally closed) dry contacts, run time and pulse count, set the
jumper to the left (marked TMP/DRY). For current transducers set
the jumper to the right (marked 4-20mA). For 0-5VDC transducers,
remove the jumper or simply hang it off one pin for storage pur-
poses. See the figure below.