
Philips indoor luminaires 3.65
X-tendolight TPS498 TL5
Suspended and surface-mounted luminaires
Suspended and surface-mounted luminaires
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TPS498 2xTL5-28W/830 HFP C6-H FL 4.60 423647 00
TPS498 2xTL5-35W/830 HFP C6-H FL 5.20 423821 00
TPS498 1xTL5-35W/830 HFP C6 FL 5.10 708065 00
TPS498 2xTL5-35W/830 HFP C6 FL 5.20 629704 00
TPS498 1xTL5-35W/830 HFP D/I C6 5.10 707907 00
TPS498 1xTL5-49W/830 HFP D/I C6 5.10 707914 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
X-tendolight TPS498 suspended
luminaire with OLC high-gloss
high-quality aluminum optic with 3D
lamellae (C6) or high-reectance
3D lamellae (C6-H) and end caps
(set of 2) available in white and silver
(ZPS498 EP); needed with line feature
luminaires (LF) only
X-tendolight TPS498 suspended
luminaire with OLC semi-high-gloss
high-quality aluminum optic with 3D
lamellae (D6) or high-reectance
3D lamellae (D6-H) and end caps
(set of 2) available in white and silver
(ZPS498 EP); needed with line feature
luminaires (LF) only
X-tendolight TPS498 suspended
luminaire with OLC matt high-quality
aluminum optic with 3D lamellae (M6)
and end caps (set of 2) available in
white and silver (ZPS498 EP); needed
with line feature luminaires (LF) only
X-tendolight TPS498 suspended
luminaire with matt high-quality
aluminum optic with proled lamellae
(M2) and end caps (set of 2) available
in white and silver (ZPS498 EP);
needed with line feature luminaires
(LF) only
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TPS498 2xTL5-28W/840 HFP D6 FL 4.60 629674 00
TPS498 2xTL5-35W/840 HFP D6 FL 5.20 629735 00
TPS498 2xTL5-49W/840 HFP D6 FL 5.20 629780 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TPS498 2xTL5-28W/840 HFP M6 FL 4.60 629681 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TPS498 2xTL5-49W/840 HFP D/I M2 5.20 634821 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Preferred selection
Indoor_2008_Chapter_03_LIS.indb 65 20-05-2008 14:49:39