
Philips indoor luminaires3.12
Suspended and surface-mounted luminaires
Type TPH710
Light source Fluorescent:
Sky version:
4 x 2 x MASTER TL5 / G5 / 28 W
Rainbow version:
4 x 3 x TL5 / G5 / 28 W
Lamp included Yes (lamp color RGB or 827/865)
Gear Electronic, 220 - 240 V / 50 - 60 Hz:
High Frequency Regulator (HFR) or DALI
Option Lighting controls: customized solutions possible
Material Housing: sides from extruded aluminum proles,
steel top cover
Cover: two layer PMMA (with integrated diffuser)
Optics: high-purity aluminum mirrors
Installation Surface (wall or ceiling): screw mounting
Suspended: with various suspension sets
Luminaire modules can be connected to one
another with mounting accessories
Accessory Suspension sets, mounting brackets
Remarks Cover can be suspended via a damped spring
locking system (easy maintenance)
Main applications Shopping malls, areas with missing daylight, ofce,
Where relevant, for detailed descriptions of Lighting Controls we refer you to chapter 11, and descriptions for e.g. optics/optical covers, lamps data, photometrical diagrams, etc. to the respective sections in chapter 12.
Strato TPH710, modular lighting panel
with a translucent acrylate cover with
an integrated diffuser
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
TPH710 12xTL5-28W/RGB HFD 33.40 213511 00
TPH710 12xTL5-28W/RGB HFR 33.40 213528 00
TPH710 8xTL5-28W/827/865 HFD 31.60 213535 00
TPH710 8xTL5-28W/827/865 HFR 31.60 213542 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Indoor_2008_Chapter_03_LIS.indb 12 20-05-2008 14:45:55