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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 13505SHOW Demonstration Program
X23A-B-002-05 Issue Date: 01/02/02
PC platform
: at the prompt, type
13505show [b=??] [/a] [/crt] [/g] [/lcd] [/noinit] [/p] [/read] [/s]
Embedded platform
: execute
and at the prompt, type the command line argument.
starts 13505SHOW at a user specified bit-per-pixel (bpp)
level, where ?? can be: 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, or 16
automatically cycles through all video modes
displays the image on the CRT
shows grid on the image
displays the image on the LCD panel
bypasses register initialization
draws the image in portrait mode
after drawing the image, continually read from the screen
(for testing purposes)
displays vertical stripe pattern
displays the help screen
Pressing the ESC key will exit the program.
13505SHOW Examples
The 13505SHOW demonstration program is designed to both demonstrate and test some of the
features of the S1D13505. Some examples follow showing how to use the program in both instances.
Using 13505SHOW For Demonstration
1. To show color patterns which must be manually stepped through all bit-per-pixel modes, type
the following:
The program will display 16 bit-per-pixel mode. Press any key to go to the next screen. The
program will display 15 bit-per-pixel mode. Once all screens are shown the program exits. To
exit the program immediately press ESC.
2. To show color patterns which automatically step through all bit-per-pixel modes, type the
13505SHOW /a
The program will display 16 bit-per-pixel mode. Each screen is shown for approximately 1
second, then the next screen is automatically shown. The program exits after the last screen is
shown. To exit the program immediately press CTRL+BREAK.