Epson Research and Development
Page 67
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/05 X23A-G-003-07
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
Offset - offset, in bytes, from start of the display buffer
pByte - return value of the display buffer location.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Offset is greater than the amount of
installed memory.
int seReadDisplayWord(int DevID, DWORD Offset, WORD *pWord)
Description: Reads a word from the display buffer at the specified offset and returns the value in
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
Offset - offset, in bytes, from start of the display buffer
pWord - return value of the display buffer location
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Offset is greater than the amount of
installed memory.
int seReadDisplayDword(int DevID, DWORD Offset, DWORD *pDword)
Description: Reads a dword from the display buffer at the specified offset and returns the value
in pDword.
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
Offset - offset from start of the display buffer
pDword - return value of the display buffer location
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems.
ERR_HAL_BAD_ARG - if the value for Offset is greater than the amount of
installed memory.
11.5.4 Color Manipulation
The functions in the Color Manipulation section deal with altering the color values in the
Look-Up Table directly through the accessor functions and indirectly through the color
depth setting functions.
int seSetLut(int DevID, BYTE *pLut, int Count)
Description: This routine can write one or more LUT entries. The writes always start with Look-
Up Table index 0 and continue for
A Look-Up Table entry consists of three bytes, one each for Red, Green, and Blue.
The color information is stored in the four most significant bits of each byte.
Parameters: DevID - registered device ID
pLut - pointer to an array of BYTE lut[16][3]
lut[x][0] == RED component