PPrroobblleemm CCaauussee SSoolluuttiioonn
Cannot play track Track format not Your player is not able to play
supported AAC encrypted or WMA songs
bought from the internet.
Since it is possible for you to upgrade
your product, we recommend that you
regularly check in to www.nike-philips.com
for free upgrades of the latest software
and firmware for your product.
Tracks were copied Your player will play tracks only if they
from your computer they are transferred using the by-
to your player using packed music management software
drag and drop in
Windows Explorer
Tracks not shown in Track format not Ensure that all your music on your
by-packed music supported computer is in formats supported by
management software your player.
SDM doesn’t work Synchronization problem
Please synchronize your player with
the speed and distance monitor if:
you have bought a new speed and
distance monitor (see page 7)
Workout started before Wait for the and the audible
SDM connection is beep before starting running
SDM connection lost Re-establish SDM connection
due to surrounding (see page 6)
SDM connection lost Install batteries or charge your
because of low battery player
No voice feedback Essential files for voice Connect player to computer and
feedback deleted restart DMM
during USB connection
TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ((22))
PSA260-eng.qxd 7/8/04 2:48 PM Page 39