RRuunnnniinngg mmooddee:: MMaannuuaall ccaalliibbrraattiioonn
Press and hold 22;; to power on.
From the root menu, press 44 , 22 to enter the running mode.
To calibrate the speed and distance monitor, select CALIBRATION > MANUAL.
Press 33 or 44 to select calibration offset (from 0.50 to 1.50). Change the offset value
to make small adjustments. If the monitor is under-measuring a known distance,
increase the offset value. Different shoe models may affect the monitor’s calibration.
Adjust the offset value accordingly if you notice differences between shoes.
To optimize SDM performance for different running style, you can manually
calibrate the SDM.
> If you run 400m and the monitor returns a reading of 380m (5% under), you
should adjust the offset value to 1.05.
> Write down and keep your offset value. It will come in handy if your friends
borrow your MP3RUN and they change your calibration setting.
*Actual display varies with use
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