our remote control is capable
of working your TV and many
other devices that respond to
infrared remote control commands,
such as VCRs, cable boxes, satel-
lite systems, and DBS. Your remote
may be already, as is, to work an
accessory device, or you may need
to use one of the methods (“Code
Entry” or “Search”) explained on
pages 43 and 44.
First, try this simple test to see if
your TV remote control will give
you direct access to the accessory
device’s functions, or if you will
need to try another method in
order to set up your TV remote
control for that capability.
Place the TV/VCR/ACC
mode switch in the proper posi-
Point the remote control at
the remote sensor window of the
accessory device and press the
POWER button.
Does the remote control turn
the device ON?
If YES, stop and try other func-
tion buttons on the remote. If they
also work the device, then the
remote is ready and no further
steps are needed.
If NO, go to page 43 to try the
Code-Entry method.
Cable Converter