Q. What is a Videogram?
A Videogram is a file containing highly compressed video and audio. A Videogram typically will include the
player so that any Windows PC user can play the file back on their computer. With Videogram technology, you
can fit over 60 seconds of video and audio on a single 3.5 inch floppy, so, for the first time you can deliver high-
quality video on a floppy, through email, or over the Internet.
Q. What are the system requirements to make a Videogram using Philips PCA635VC?
System Requirements:
Minimum Optimal
• Pentium 75 • Pentium 133
• 16MB • 32MB
• Windows 95 • Same
• CD ROM • Same
• 23 MB free hard disk space • 23 MB or more free disk space for captured video
• Sound card or sound capability • Sound card or multimedia kit
Q. What kind of PC do I need to play back a Videogram?
Videograms were designed to run on any 486 DX4 or above PC with Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 or Windows
NT (even OS/2) without any special hardware or software. Users with higher performance PCs will enjoy better
quality during playback.
Q. What do I need to create a Videogram?
You will need the Philips PCA635VC Camera and Videogram Creator software. Both products are included
with your purchase.
Q. What are the minimum system requirements for using a Philips PCA635VC?
You will need a minimum of a Pentium 75 Windows 95 PC or notebook. You must have an ECP or bi-direc-
tional parallel port to connect the Philips PCA635VC. To record and play back sound, you need to have a
sound card. You will also need at least 16MB of RAM and 23MB of free disk space (substantially more of each
is recommended).
Q. Do I need a Pentium computer to play a Videogram?
No. Videograms will play back even on 486 machines. All you need is Windows 3.1x and a sound card with
speakers to listen to the audio. Users with higher performance computers will get better quality during playback.
Q. Will the Videogram play on my Macintosh?
Not currently.
Q. Do I need to have a sound card to use Philips PCA635VC?
No. You can capture video without a sound card, however, you will not capture audio. To capture audio with the
video and playback sound, you will need a sound card.
Q. What type of compression does Philips PCA635VC use, and will that affect my video conferencing software?
Philips PCA635VC supports three types of input data: YUV 422, YUV 9 and VGPixel. The VGPixel codec deli-
vers the highest compression, which allows for higher frame rates during capture.
Philips PCA635VC will work with any video conferencing software that supports Video for Windows without
interference because Philips PCA635VC is compliant with Video for Windows.
Q. Will others be able to use AVI files that I create from captured Video?
Yes. Just save the AVI file in an uncompressed format by going to: “FILE” and selecting “SAVE AS.”
Q. My notebook computer has no audio input capability. Will Philips PCA635VC still work, and how will I get
audio into my Videograms?
You can still capture video without the audio. You can add audio later if you have an audio track that you want
to play with the video taken. Philips PCA635VC supports audio dubbing or the replacement of existing audio
track with new audio.
Frequently Asked Questions