
This manual covers the installation, usage and troubleshooting of the Philips PCA635VC Camera and Videogram soft-
ware. You will notice, to get up and running quickly, that a separate Quick Start guide has been included. This manual
should be used along with the Quick Start guide and referenced when you need a more complete explanation.
In addition, on-line help is available inside the Videogram Creator application. A “Read Me” file can be found in the pro-
gram group where you install the Videogram Creator software. If you install the Videogram Creator software to its default
folder then you may access this by clicking on “Start,” followed by “Programs,” then the “Philips PCA635VC Camera”
program group and finally click on “Read Me.” The “Read Me” file contains information that was not available at the time
this manual was created.
To save you time, at the beginning of each Chapter, please notice that there is a short summary of what that Chapter
covers. Also, an index and glossary are available towards the end of this manual for quick reference. If you get stuck, please
refer to Chapter 11, “Frequently Asked Questions.” For more advanced uses, investigate Chapter 9, “Advanced Features.”
This chapter will help you optimize your system for Videogram capture as well as assist you in creating Videograms for
Internet Websites.
Manual Conventions
Look for the following symbols to identify items of importance.
Requires Extra Attention
Helpful Tips
Valuable Information
Important–These settings affect whether or not you see video.
About This Manual