Screen Trends 20 Trends
Changing the Selection of Screen Trends Displayed
1 Select the screen trend.
2 Select Change Trend and select the required trend from the list of available trends.
Blank to remove the selected trend from the Screen.
If you do not see
Change Trend in the screen trend menu, the trend is aligned to display with
the measurement wave. Changing the wave automatically changes the trend.
To display two or more screen trends overlapping,
1 Select the screen trend to open the screen trend menu,
2 Select Change Trend -> Add Trend and select a screen trend from the pop-up list.
Activating the Cursor for Screen Trends
To activate the cursor for Screen Trends:
1 Select the screen trend.
2 Select Activate Cursor
You can now use the arrow keys to move the cursor across the time line. The values measured at the
cursor time are shown next to the cursor.
To de-activate the cursor,
♦ Select Main Screen.
Changing the Screen Trend View
♦ To switch between tabular, graphic and horizon views, select the screen trend then select Change
and select the required view.
Tabular View
Aperiodic measurements such as
NBP, C.O., C.I., and Wedge can be
viewed as a screen trend in tabular
form. The measured values and their
timestamps are shown, with the
measurement label.
The trend time for tabular screen trends depends on the space available on the Screen. Up to 30
measurements or 12 hours information can be shown.
16:30 120/80(95)
16:45 120/80(95)
17:00 120/80(95)
17:15 120/80(95)
17:30 120/80(95)
15:15 120/80(95)
15:30 120/80(95)
15:45 120/80(95)
16:00 120/80(95)
16:15 120/80(95)