5 Managing Patients Data Exchange Between Information Centers
Data Exchange Between Information Centers
You can transfer demographic data and trend data from one IIC to another by selecting Transfer
on the patient monitor. Trend data is not shared between Information Centers and monitors.
Resolving Patient Information Mismatch
When you connect an MMS to a monitor, or a monitor to the network, the monitor compares patient
category, paced status, and a unique patient identification number that is internally stored in both the
MMS and the monitor. The monitor indicates a mismatch if the information is not identical.
Depending on your monitor’s configuration, this mismatch may be automatically resolved or you may
have to resolve it manually. If your monitor is configured to resolve mismatches automatically,
depending on the configuration, either the monitor or the Multi-Measurement Server data is
automatically retained.
WARNING USA only When a monitor is connected to an Information Center by the wireless IntelliVue
Instrument Telemetry interface, the patient data will automatically be merged in the case of a transfer.
This means there is no patient discharge at the monitor and settings and trend data will be retained.
You will see a message on the monitor and the Patient Demographics window will automatically
appear so that you can check the data and change it if necessary.
Manually Resolving Patient Mismatch
The patient mismatch is indicated by question marks (???) beside the questionable fields in the Monitor
Info Line and in the Patient Demographics window. The monitor displays a message such as
Different patients in Central and Monitor. The Patient Selection window
automatically opens so you can decide which patient data to use. You do not have to resolve the
mismatch immediately, however, the indicators remain until you do. There can be up to three columns
of data in the Patient Selection window if the patient is different in the Information Center,
monitor, and MMS.
After you resolve the mismatch, the monitor displays a confirmation window that explains the
consequences of your choice, telling you where the patient will be continued/discontinued. Confirm
your choice. The monitor automatically displays the Patient Demographics window after
confirmation. Verify that the settings shown are correct for the patient.
Gender, date of birth, height, weight, and nursing notes do not generate a mismatch. If these fields are
different on different devices, the monitor resolves them itself. For example, it may take date of birth
from the Information Center, whilst taking gender from the MMS. Always check the Patient
Demographics after combining patients, to ensure that you are satisfied with the results. Change them
if necessary.
WARNING After resolving a patient mismatch, check that the monitor settings (especially patient category, paced
status and alarm limits) are correct for the patient.