On commercial DVDs, this is the longest
section of a movie or music feature on DVD.
Each title is assigned a title number, so that
you can locate the title you want.
When you record programs, they are stored
as titles. Depending on the recording settings,
recorded titles may automatically contain
several chapters.
VIDEO OUT socket
Yellow socket that sends the DVD picture
video to a TV.
Usually DVD is specifi ed to have each sound
track constitute one sound fi eld. Multichannel
refers to a structure of sound tracks having
three or more channels.
Parental control
A function of the DVD to limit playback of the
disc by the age of the users according to the
limitation level in each country. The limitation
varies from disc to disc; when it is activated,
playback will be prohibited if the software’s
level is higher than the user-set level.
Playback Control. A system where you
navigate through a Video CD/Super VCD with
on-screen menus that are recorded onto the
disc. You can enjoy interactive playback and
Pulse Code Modulation. A digital audio
encoding system.
Region code
A system that allows discs to be played only
in the region designated. This unit only plays
discs that have compatible region codes. You
can fi nd the region code of your unit on the
product label. Some discs are compatible with
more than one region (or ALL regions.)
A system that creates realistic, three-
dimensional sound fi elds. It is usually achieved
with multiple speakers that are arranged
around the listener.