decides what settings and operations the operator can do.
n The manager’s and operator’s password can be set and modified in “authority”,
after inputting the old password. The new password should be input for twice.
The system will only accept the new password when they are the same.
n You can choose any eight numbers from 0 to 9 as the password, and input
them through the number keys in the front panel. The password should have 8
n The system can have no password. In the “authority”, leave the “new key” and
“retype” to the blank, which will make the operation of video recorder open to
everyone. When the manager’s password is cancelled, the operator’s
password is useless. Therefore, the system cannot keep the operator’s
password without the manager’s password.
n The system can keep the manager’s password without the operator’s
password. Keep the operator’s “new key” and “retype” blank, then, the
operator’s password is cancelled. But user cannot operate the system as an
n To set a new password when the system has no password before, remember
to keep the “old key” blank, otherwise the new password won’t be accepted.
n The manager endows all the rights to the operator in the “authority” and allows
the operator to set and manage all the items, which means the manager and
the operator have different passwords, but only the manager has the right to
set “system” in the “option”.
n When the system has the password, each time you press “option”, the “input
key” window will appear. Only when the right password is input, the system
setting menu will appear. Different levels of menus will appear when different
levels of password have been input.
n Besides system operating password, there are passwords for stopping guard
and stopping scheduled recording.
HDD password
n The information in our system HDD has been protected by password. Therefore,
HDD cannot be read in computers and video recordings produced by other
n The password in HDD cannot be changed. A HDD has only one password, and
master and slave (or the backup disc) cannot use different passwords.
n You can choose any eight numbers from 0 to 9 as the passwords, with the default
88888888. Although HDD password is similar to operating password, the two
are different in their concept and function.
n The password can only be set when “format disc” is pressed. Only by inputting
the old password can you format HDD, therefore, the password is also a
protection to the operation of “format disk”.
n You can set a new password whenever you format HDD. You can leave blank the
“new key” and “retype”, so that there is no password.
The choice and format of disc
n The memory in our system is HDD. Without HDD extender, the system can install
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