EN 96 DVD963SA11.
11. Errata
11.1 Revision List
11.1.1 Manual 3122 785 12331
From production start, the new print layout of the Pscan
board has been introduced.
• In this service manual the circuit diagrams, print layout and
the belonging parts list are added.
In the manual 3122 785 12330, the Double Scart circuit
diagrams and print layout was left out.
• In this version of the service manual, the circuit diagrams
and print layout are added.
In this version, the Layout of Menu script, Audio nuclei
table 5.8.1,Video nuclei table 5.8.7 and Furore nuclei table
5.8.8 are updated.
In this version, the value of C2102,C2129 and C2131 in the
parts list of Front board has been changed to 470nF 50V.