Diagnostic Software, Trouble Shooting and Test Instructions
EN 38 DVD963SA5.
5.8.8 Furore Nuclei
5.9 Test Instruction Front Display and Audio/
Video Board
These test instruction is designed specifically for SACD 2002
single disc models which has the following outputs:
• 6 Channel Audio output
• Coaxial / Optical digital output
• Component output YUV
• Double SCART output
• Front Display
5.9.1 General
• All the waveforms measurement carried out in these test
instruction will be base on the testpoint indicated in the
A/V Board and Front Display schematic diagram in the
Service manual.
• Impedance of the measuring-equipment should be > 1MΩ
• Most of the tests can be done using either the Diagnostic
software “ Player script” which can be found in the chapter
“Diagnostic Software description and troubleshooting” or
the Menu interface using the Service PC with a terminal
emulation program ( e.g. Window Hyperterminal ) where it
is possible to control the execution of the Diagnostic Nuclei
• Setup for the measurement will be done in set level with all
modules connected as shown in the Wiring Block diagram.
5.9.2 General Start-Up Measurement
Supply Check:
Before starting the measurement,ensure that all power supply
are connected to the A/V and Front Display board via
conn.1420 and 1108 respectively.
Clock Check
Ensure the present of the clock to the DAC and the slave µP.
Audio Mute Check
Measure the Audio mute voltage input at pin 22 of connector
To toggle between ON and OFF,use the following commands:
2301 Color Denc On transmit error
2302 I2C Color Denc On bus busy
2320 Video colourbar Off OK
2340 Video colourbar On NTSC OK
2400 ADV7300 com OK
2401 I2C ADV7300 com bus busy
2402 ADV7300 com transit error
2403 No ack from ADV7300 com
2404 ADV7300 com response error
2420 FLI2200 com OK
2421 I2C FLI2200 com bus busy
2422 FLI2200 com transmit error
2423 No ack from FLI2200 com
2424 FLI2200 com response error
2460 Proscan com OK
2440 ADV7190 com OK
2441 I2C ADV7190 com bus busy
2442 ADV7190 com transmit error
2443 No ack from ADV7190 com
2444 ADV7190 com response response
2500 Video scart Low OK
2501 I2C Scart Low bus busy
2502 Scart Low transmit error
2520 Video scart Mid OK
2521 I2C Scart Mid bua busy
2522 Scart Mid transmit error
2540 Video scart High OK
2541 I2C Scart High bus busy
2542 Scart High transmit error
6100 Video colour RGB OK
6120 Video colour YUV OK
Error text
6300 Furore Sdram WRR_L OK
6301 Furore Sdram WRR_L DB fail
6302 Furore Sdram WRR_L AB fail
6303 Furore Sdram WRR_L DVC fail
6320 Furore Sdram WRR_H OK
6321 Furore Sdram WRR_H DB fail
6322 Furore Sdram WRR_H AB fail
6323 Furore Sdram WRR_H DVC fail
6400 Furore Sdram WRR_F_L OK
6401 Furore Sdram WRR_F_L DB fail
6402 Furore Sdram WRR_F_L AB fail
6403 Furore Sdram WRR_F_L DVC fail
6420 Furore Sdram WRR_F_H OK
6421 Furore Sdram WRR_F_H DB fail
6422 Furore Sdram WRR_F_H AB fail
6423 Furore Sdram WRR_F_H DVC fail
6500 Furore ID OK
6501 Furore ID invalid
8300 Furore reset OK
8301 Furore reset ID NOK
8400 Furore High OK
8420 Furore Low OK
Error text
Pin nr. A/V Board Front Display
Voltage Conn. 1420 Conn. 1108
1 +3V3_Power -
2 +3V3_Power -
3GND -
4 +12V_Power -
5 +12VSTBY -
7 +5VSTBY +12V_Power
8 GND -32V_Power
9 -12V_Power -
10 GND -
11 -32V_Power -
12 -
Clock Name Testpoint Frequency
PCM_CLK I116 11.2896MHz ± 0.02% tolerance
XOUT S1 8MHz ± 0.2% tolerance
Status Value
AudioMuteOn HIGH (>3V)
AudioMuteOff LOW (<3V)
Name Remarks
19a AudioMuteOn Audio Mute On
19b AudioMuteOff Audio Mute Off