Diagnostic Software, Trouble Shooting and Test Instructions
EN 34 DVD763SA5.
Table 5-9 Basic engine
Table 5-10 Furore IC
Table 5-11 Karaoke (not available)
5.7.3 Menu Mode Interface
Switch the player on and the following text will appear on the
screen of the terminal (program):
Figure 5-38 Screen menu
The first line indicates that the Diagnostic software has been
activated and contains the version number. The next lines are
the successful result of the SDRAM interconnection test and
the basic SDRAM test. The last line allows the user to choose
between the four possible interface forms. If pressing M has
made a choice for Menu Interface, the Main Menu will appear.
Layout of Menu and Submenu
The following menu layout will appear after starting up the DVD
player in menu mode. The symbol “- - -”” indicates that the
current menu choice will invoke the display of a submenu. The
number between [ ] idicates the nucleus number. These
numbers will not be shown on the screen.
1 Audio...
2 Video...
3 Front Panel...
4 Basic Engine...
5 Processor Peripherals...
6 Error Log...
7 Furore...
8 Miscellaneous...
First Level Submenus
1 Mute...
2 Pink Noise...
3 Sine Wave...
4 Digital Ports...
5 Ext. DAC Board...
1 Colourbar...
2 Scart...
3 Digital Port...
1 Slave Processor...
2 VFT Display [30a]
3 LCD Display [30b]
4 LCD BkLight [30c]
5 Keyboard [27]
6 LEDs [29]
7 Remote Control [28]
8 P50 Check [60]
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
37 BeVer Version number
38a BeFocusOn Focus On
38b BeFocusOff Focus Off
39a BeDiscmotorOn Discmotor On
39b BeDiscmotorOff Discmotor Off
40a BeRadialOn Radial control On
40b BeRadialOff Radial control Off
41a BeSledgeIn Sledge Inwards
41b BeSledgeOut Sledge Outwards
42a BeGroovesIn jump Grooves to Inside
42b BeGroovesMid jump Grooves to Middle
42c BeGroovesOut jump Grooves to Outside
43a BeTrayIn Tray In
43b BeTrayOut Tray Out
44 BeReset Reset Basic Engine
58a LaserCdOn CD Laser on
58b LaserCdOff CD Laser off
58c LaserDvdOn DVD Laser on
58d LaserDvdOff DVD Laser off
70 BedReadFlashID Read flash memory manufac-
turer and device ID
71 BedCalcRomChk-
Calculate ROM checksum
72 BedScratchTest Test scratch detection circuit
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
62 Furore_SdramWrR Furore SDRAM Write Read
63 Furore_SdramWrR
Furore SDRAM interconnec-
tion test
64 Furore_Id Furore version ID check
83 Furore_Reset Furore reset
84a Furore_High Sets Furore output pins
DSD_PCM0-9 to high
84b Furore_Low Sets Furore output pins
DSD_PCM0-9 to low
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
48a KaraokeModeOff Switch Karaoke mode off
48b KaraokeModeOn Switch Karaoke mode on
49 KaraokeMicInput Check path from the
microphone input to audio
50a KaraokeKeyOn Set Karaoke Key to the
maximum level (1200 cent)
50b KaraokeKeyOff Set Karaoke Key to flat octave
(0 cent)
51a KaraokeEchoOn Set Echo Control fuction on
51b KaraokeEchoOff Set Echo Control function off
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