Diagnostic Software, Trouble Shooting and Test Instructions
EN 33DVD763SA 5.
Table 5-5 Video
Table 5-6 Display (slave processor)
Table 5-7 Log (Error logging in Nvram)
Table 5-8 Miscellaneous
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
17a VidPortOutAA Output the value 0XAA at
the Digital Video Interfac
e Port
17b VidPortOut55 Output the value 0X55 at
the Digital Video Interfac
e Port
23a VideoColDencOnPAL Colourbar (PAL) DENC
23b VideoColDencOff Colourbar DENC Off
23c VideoColDencOnNTSC Colourbar (NTSC) DENC
24a VideoProgMPEGon Progressive -
DigitalVideo Colour Bar
24b VideoYuvMPEGon Enhanced YUV-
DigitalVideo Colour Bar
25a VideoScartLo Scart Low
25b VideoScartMi Scart Medium
25c VideoScartHi Scart High
54 VideoScartSwComm Scart Switch
55a VideoScartSwDvd Scart Switch Dvd
55b VideoScartSwPass Scart Switch Pass-
57a VideoScartPinLo PIO-pins as used in 2A
for Scart-switching
57b VideoScartPinMi PIO-pins as used in 2A
for Scart-switching
57c VideoScartPinHi PIO-pins as used in 2A
for Scart-switching
61a VideoColOutRGB
Output RGB from
61b VideoColOutYUV
Output YUV from
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
26 DispVer Version number
27 DispKeyb Keyboard
28 DispRc Remote Control
29 DispLed LEDs
30a DispDisplay VFT Display test
30b DispLCDisplay LCD Display test
30c DispLCDBkLight LCD Backlight test
60 DispP50 P50 loopback test
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
31 LogReadErr Read last Errors
32 LogReadBits Read errors Bits
33 LogReset Reset
Ref. # Reference Name Remark
34 MiscReadConfig Read Configuration area
from NVRAM
35 MiscNvramReset NVRAM Reset
36 MiscNvramMod Modify NVRAM contents
46 MiscApplVer Read version of
application software
47a MiscTrayOpenNr Read the number of
times the tray opened
47b MiscPowerOnTime Read the total time the
player's power has been
47c MiscPlayTimeCddaVcd Read the Playtime of
CDDA and VCD discs
47d MiscPlayTimeDvd Read the Playtime of
DVD discs
Ref. # Reference Name Remark