Customer Service Mode (CSM)
All HDRPTV sets are equipped with the “Customer Service Mode” (CSM). CSM is a special service mode that
can be activated and deactivated by the customer, by request of the service technician/dealer in order to identify
the status of the set. This CSM is a 'read only' mode, therefore modifications in this mode are not possible.
Entering the Customer Service Mode.
The Customer Service Mode can be switched on:
• By pressing the MUTE button on the remote control and any key on the local keyboard (Channel Up,
Channel Down, VOL +, VOL -) on the TV simultaneously for at least 4 seconds.
(Note: When CSM is entered, “CSM” may flash or may stay constant in the upper right corner.)
When the CSM is activated:
• picture and sound settings are set to nominal levels
• Modes that interfere with the behavior of the set are switched off (sleep timer, auto standby, etc.)
Exit the Customer Service Mode.
The Customer Service Mode will be switched off after:
• Pressing any key on the remote control (except “Channel Up” or “Channel Down”)
• Switching off the TV set by pressing the Power button on the remote control or the local keyboard.
Exiting CSM resets the TV set back to its initial values.
The Customer Service Mode information screen
Upon entry into the Customer Service Mode the following screen will appear.
All lines of information will appear on one screen.
Display of CSM Screen