Convergence and Geometry adjustments
Completely read the Setup section before proceeding with any adjustment. The set should be allowed to warm
up for at least 20 minutes before any adjustments are made.
There are six new screen sizes for the High Definition Ready sets for the 2002 model year.
Model Chassis Screen
43PP9202 DPTV305 43" 4x3 ST4177 Basic
50PP9202 DPTV305 50" 4x3 ST4178 Basic
55PP9352 DPTV320 55" 16x9 ST4181 Core
55PP9502 DPTV315 55" 16x9 ST4181 Basic
60PP9202 DPTV305 60" 4x3 ST4179 Basic
60PP9502 DPTV315 60" 16x9 ST4182 Core
60PP9352 DPTV310 60" 16x9 ST4182 Basic
46PP9302 DPTV330 46" 16x9 ST4180 Basic
All of these sets incorporate a Digital Convergence system using 208 adjustment points. The Convergence
Processor is located on the ACS (Automatic Convergence System) module. The Convergence drive circuits are
located on the SSP (Small Signal Panel). Data for the Convergence settings are stored in the EEPROM located
on the ACS module. Data for Geometry is stored in the EEPROM located on the Small Signal Board (SSB). If
the CRTs, the Large Signal Panel (LSP), or the Small Signal Board (SSB) are changed, a complete Geometry
and Convergence alignment will be necessary. If the ACS module, the Small Signal Panel (SSP), or CRTs are
changed, a complete Convergence alignment will be necessary. To obtain the correct Geometry during
Convergence, a template must be used.
The 4x3 Aspect ratio sets have three Convergence and Geometry settings. The 16x9 Aspect ratio sets have
two Convergence and Geometry settings. The 4x3 Aspect ratio sets have a 480p mode, a 1080i full screen
mode, and a 1080i Compressed mode. There are Geometry and Convergence settings for each mode.
There are two chassis versions: Basic, and Core. The Core version is equipped with an Automatic
Convergence system called Intellisense. The Intellisense system makes minor changes in the Convergence to
compensate for changes in the magnetic field from one location to another. In the Convergence procedure,
both versions have the setup for the Intellisense sensors. If "Test Sensors" is selected in the basic version, a
message will appear on the screen indicating that the sensors are not working. In the Basic version, the
results of the sensor test are not applicable.
When performing convergence or geometry alignments, the correct signal must be applied to the set. This is
necessary to provide the correct horizontal and vertical sync to the Convergence Circuits. Failure to do so will
result in an out of Convergence picture when the customer applies the correct signal to the set.
A NTSC signal should be used when adjusting the 480p mode. A 1080i signal should be applied to the set
when using the HD mode. The HD should have a horizontal frequency of 33.75kHz and a vertical frequency of
60Hz. There are two Geometry and Convergence alignments in the HD mode for the 4x3 aspect ratio set. The
two modes are a full screen mode (4x3) and a (16x9) compressed mode. These can be selected in the
customer menu.