The display will now show “Sel. Chan. Nr”, select the channel to be edited (01 - 16) and the display will show the programmed auto scan
status of the channel e.g. “e c xx a m yy - 1 - zz”
Location = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Where e = auto scan enabled (or “d” for auto-scan disabled)
c = codinf value for an auto scan with manual acknowledge (see table 2, bleep patterns).
xx = auto scan repeat time in minutes (00 - 99)
a m = auto scan acknowledge type key 4 - 1) A = auto reply
key 4 - 2) M = manual reply
key 4 - 3) AM = auto + manual . This selection must be combined
with location “6” (Call Ratio) which determines how many auto-scans (max. 16) precede the required manual acknowledge e.g. if “5” is
selected at location “6” then there will be 5 auto-scans and the next will require a manual response from the Transceiver holder.
yy = manual acknowledge time in seconds (00 - 99)
1 = auto to manual acknowledge call ratio (0 - F)
zz = the selected channel number - not programmable
Keystrokes 1 - 7 will select the location on the display to be edited e.g. if the auto scan repeat time only has to be edited, then press key
3 and enter the new time. (to disable auto-scan, press “1 “ followed by “0” . Pressing “1” followed by “1” enables auto-scan.
Use the PROGRAM key to enter the completed input.
Eronneous keystrokes generate the error bleeps.
8 MENU - “ALARM KEY” Edit Functional Relay Status
This menu is used to program the relays to be active by system functions independantly of each other.
a) Relay function assignment - A,M,N,S,F,D,C. (default: I.I.I.I.I.I.I)
b) Relay action delay time - 00 - 99 seconds
c) Relay pulse time - 00 - 99sec. (00=infinate)
d) Relay stand-by status - “energised”/”de-energised”
e) Alarm call transmission - “enabled”/”inhibited”
Position Indication Function
Display indication for function 1 - A - No manual alarm
2 - M - Manual alarm
3 - N - No move alarm
4 - S - No move switch “off”
5 - F - Field call received
6 - D - Direct call activated
7 - C - Auto scan auto acknowledge not received
If the relay is inhibited for a function, the display will show “I” instead of the function character
When this menu is opened, the display info will differ depending on how many FCPs are connected.
1. More than one FCP connected: Display shows “Sel.FCP Nr. “ and the lowest allocated address, of which
the status is “present”, is displayed.
Scroll the FCP addresses with the PROGRAM key and enter the displayed address with the DIRECT CALL key.
The display shows “Relay Nr.” now select relay number (1 - 3) and enter by the PROGRAM key.
2. One FCP connected: The display shows “Relay Nr.” now select relay number (1 - 3) and enter
by the PROGRAM key.
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