The display will show “FCP Nr. and Channel Nr. followed by “ack. time” followed by the programmed time
(e.g. 0105 ACK TIME - - - )
Enter the desired time from 000 - 254 seconds
(The time may not be set to 255 seconds)
Press the PROGRAM key. The display will show “Update?”
A further PROGRAM keystroke will update the new programmed data and scroll to the next channel Direct Call Editor.
A RESET keystroke during “update” displayed, will skip the new entered data and steps to the “PS menu” mode..Eronneous keystrokes will
generate the error bleep and the desk will return to the “PS menu” mode.
6 MENU - MONITOR KEY Call FCP/Desk combination
When this menu is opened, the display info will differ depending on how many FCPs are connected.
1. More than one FCP connected: Display shows “sel.FCP Nr “ and the lowest allocated address, of which
the status is “present”, is displayed.
Scroll through the FCP addresses with the PROGRAM key and input the desired address with the DIRECT CALL key..
2. One FCP connected: The display shows “Call Desk X” when the menu is opened.
where X = current setting of the call desk function
X = 0 - The FCP will not react to a call desk function
X = 1 - The FCP will respond to call desk/FCP combination 1
X = 2 - The FCP will respond to call desk/FCP combination 2
X = 3 - The FCP will respond to call desk/FCP combinations 1 and 2
Keystrokes 0,1,2 or 3 will change the display according to selection.
Press the PROGRAM key to enter the new data and to close the menu. Program returns automatically to the
“PS 6000 menu” status.
7. MENU - “A” Auto Scan Call
This menu is used to program a) Enable/inhibit channel for Auto Scan
b) Codinf input for manual reply call
c) System scan call repeat time
d) Acknowledge type
e) Manual acknowledge delay time
f) Auto/Manual acknowledge call ratio
Use the PROGRAM key to enter the changed position value.
The RESET key will set the desk to the “PS menu” mode again.
Pressing the RESET whilst an FCP or channel is selected will return the desk to the “PS MENU” status
When this menu is opened, the display info will differ depending on how many FCPs are connected.
1. More than one FCP connected: Display shows “sel.FCP Nr. “ and the lowest allocated address, of which
the status is “present”, is displayed.
Scroll through the FCP addresses with the PROGRAM key and input the desired address with the DIRECT CALL key.
2. One FCP connected: The display shows “Sel. Chan. Nr.”
Page 7/15 December 1997