Philips Medical Systems
Periodic checks
Other than the checks recommended after each use of the FRx,
maintenance is limited to periodically checking the following:
• Check the green Ready light. If the green Ready light is not
blinking, see Troubleshooting Tips, below.
• Replace any used, damaged or expired supplies and accessories.
• Check the outside of the defibrillator. If you see cracks or other
signs of damage, contact Philips for technical support.
Cleaning the FRx
The outside of the HeartStart FRx can be cleaned with a soft cloth
dampened in soapy water, chlorine bleach (2 tablespoons per quart
or liter of water), ammonia-based cleaners, or 70% isopropyl
(rubbing) alcohol. It is recommended that the carry case be cleaned
with a soft cloth dampened in soapy water.
• Do not use strong solvents such as acetone or acetone-based
cleaners, abrasive materials, or enzymatic cleaners to clean the
FRx and accessories.
• Do not immerse the FRx in fluids. Do not sterilize the FRx or its
Disposing of the FRx
The FRx and its accessories should be disposed of in accordance
with local regulations.