Philips Medical Systems
For more information
Contact your local Philips distributor for additional information
about the FRx. We will be happy to answer any questions you may
have and to provide you with copies of the clinical summaries of
several key studies using Philips automated external defibrillators.
You can also find the clinical summaries online at
www.medical.philips.com/heartstart. Technical information about all
Philips HeartStart automated external defibrillators is also available
online, in the Technical Reference Manual for HeartStart
2 Setting up the HeartStart FRx
Package contents
Check the contents of the FRx box to be sure it contains:
• 1 Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator 861304
• 1 four-year battery M5070A
• 1 package of HeartStart SMART Pads II 989803139261,
containing a pair of single-use adhesive defibrillation pads in a
disposable plastic case
• 1 Owner’s Manual
• 1 Quick Reference Guide
* Clinical summaries also include defibrillators sold as Heartstream ForeRunner
and FR2.
† The FRx sold for aviation applications includes a TSO-certified battery,
REF: 989803139301, instead of the M5070A.