4535 612 34161 HD3 Service Manual Page 279
CSIP Level 1 Parts: How and Where to Find a Part Number
Disassembly Button The “Disassembly” button is a hypertext link to figures corresponding
to a disassembly/assembly procedure.
Green Arrow The green arrows found throughout the parts illustrations are used to indicate
movement (direction, rotation), or point to a specific area (details, breakdowns).
Parts Table Definitions
Item No. This column lists the item numbers that correspond to parts in the parts illustrations.
Located On This column lists all of the figures on which the part is found.
Legacy Part Number This column lists the legacy part number for an item. Use this column
only if you are in North America or Canada, or you order directly from Bothell. These numbers
correspond to the PR1 SAP system. If a table is referenced in this column, the part number is on
that table.
12NC Part Number This column lists the 12NC part number for an item. Use this column if
you are ordering from an APEC, an EMEA, or an LATAM country. 12NC numbers can be used
for parts orders worldwide. These numbers correspond to the MIP SAP system used by the SLIs
and Miami. If a table is referenced in this column, the part number is on that table.
Part Description The name or common description of the item is listed here. Where appro-
priate, the description column also includes size, tolerance, type or model, and material data for
the part. Parts tables are alphabetized by this column.
Attaching parts must be ordered separately. They are not provided with the assembly, the subas-
sembly, or the component being attached.