4535 612 34161 HD3 Service Manual Page 26
CSIP Level 1 General Information: More About This Manual
• Section 6, “Performance Tests”: Provides tests that determine functional confidence and
ensure that the system is operating as intended at initial installation and after upgrades or
• Section 7, “Adjustments”: Provides brightness and position adjustment information for the
system monitor. There are no calibration or alignment adjustments to make in the field for
this system. There are no voltage adjustments to make in the field for this system.
• Section 8, “Preventive Maintenance”: Identifies activities supporting the quality assurance
audit (QAA) concept that you should perform in accordance with Customer Field Service
• Section 9, “Troubleshooting”: Provides information about troubleshooting, backing up and
restoring, software and device driver loading, and managing system options.
• Section 10, “Disassembly”: Provides specific information about system disassembly that may
be required for the removal and installation of field-replaceable parts. If not covered by a
detailed procedure, the means of removing a system part can be discerned from the illustra-
tions in this section as well as from those in Section 13, “Configuration” and in Section 14,
“Parts”. Instructions for crating the system for shipment are also included.
• Section 11, “Cabling”: Provides system signal and power interconnect information, cable part
number information, and (sold-with-system) peripheral connection diagrams.
• Section 12, “Change History”: Chronicles the software and hardware changes associated
with specific software releases.
• Section 13, “Configuration”: Lists all the released software version part numbers for the sys-
tem, identifies the primary system electronics, and shows where each circuit board is located
in the system. When applicable, additional circuit board reference information is provided.