6 Service-Type Response Indicates the service to use to connect the user to
the IOLAN. A value of 6 indicates administrative
access to the IOLAN. Supported values are:
z 1—Login
z 3—Callback-Login
Equivalent to the IOLAN User Service set by
Type 15, Login-Service.
z 2—Framed
z 4—Callback-Framed
Equivalent to the IOLAN User Service set by
Type 7, Framed-Protocol.
z 7—NAS prompt
z 9—Callback NAS-prompt
Equivalent to IOLAN User Service DSLogin.
z 6—Administrative User
z 11—Callback Administrative User
Equivalent to IOLAN User Service DSLogin
and the User gets Admin privileges.
7 Framed-Protocol Response The link layer protocol to be used by this user.
Determines the User Service when Service-Type is
set to Framed or Callback-Framed. Supported
values are:
z 1—PPP
z 2—SLIP
8 Framed-IP-Address Response The IP Address to be assigned to this user for PPP
or SLIP.
9 Framed-IP-Netmask Response The subnet to be assigned to this user for PPP or
12 Framed-MTU Response Attribute indicates the Maximum Transmission
Unit (MTU) to be configured for the user, when it is
not negotiated by some other means such as PPP.
13 Framed-Compression Response Indicates a compression protocol to be used for the
PPP or SLIP link. Supported value is:
z 1—Van Jacobson TCP/IP compression.
14 Login-Host Response Indicates the host with which the user can connect
to when the Service-Type is set to
1 (Login) or 3
15 Login-Service Response Indicates the IOLAN User Service to use to
connect the user a host. Supported values are:
z 0—Telnet
z 1—Rlogin
z 2—TCP Clear
z 5—SSH
z 6—SSL Raw
Type Name Description