Remote Validation Criteria Field Descriptions
When the Authentication Method is set to X.509 Certificate, you can configure the remote
validation criteria. The information in the remote X.509 certificate must match exactly the
information configured in this window in order to successfully authenticate and create a valid
Configure the following parameters:
Country A country code; for example, US. This field is case sensitive in order to
successfully match the information in the remote X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Two characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
State/Province An entry for the state/province; for example, IL. This field is case sensitive in
order to successfully match the information in the remote X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Maximum 128 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
Locality An entry for the location; for example, Chicago. This field is case sensitive in
order to successfully match the information in the remote X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Maximum 128 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
Organization An entry for the organization; for example, Accounting. This field is case
sensitive in order to successfully match the information in the remote X.509
Data Options: Maximum 64 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
Organization Unit An entry for the unit in the organization; for example, Payroll. This field is
case sensitive in order to successfully match the information in the remote
X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Maximum 64 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
Common Name An entry for common name; for example, the host name or fully qualified
domain name. This field is case sensitive in order to successfully match the
information in the remote X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Maximum 64 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard
Email An entry for an email address; for example, acct@anycompany.com. This field
is case sensitive in order to successfully match the information in the remote
X.509 certificate.
Data Options: Maximum 64 characters, asterisk (*) works as a wildcard